Neutra Bleach 1G

WET-FP-53120-01 MFG #: FP-53120-01
  • Inventory Type: Special Order
  • Description

Neutra Bleach is utilized as a secondary rinse following the soft wash process to neutralize corrosive bleach crystals on cleaned surfaces, plants, and equipment. Neutra bleach will remove bleach streak, which results from poor rinsing of bleach solution following cleaning. Spraying Neutra Bleach on and through equipment, trailers and vehicles will neutralize bleach crystals to protect from rapid corrosion, both by neutralizing the bleach solution as well as with active corrosion inhibitors in formulation. Pumps, sprayers, hoses and fittings should be flushed, thus stopping premature repairs and replacement. Use Neutra Bleach to spray sensitive shrubbery and outdoor (non-edible) plants before and after use of bleach, in order to prevent harm. Always rinse plants thoroughly with water following use. Do not leave product to dry on plants.

Bleach Neutralizer.

• Easy To Use
• Prevents Damage To Surfaces and Equipment
• Highly Dilutable
• Contains Corrosion Inhibitors

Color: Blue
pH: 9.7
State: Liquid