6/250 Gorag White Drc Roll Wiper

FJ20065 MFG #: 20065
6/250 Gorag Wht Drc Roll;Wiper
  • Description
The go-Rag® Medium weight Double recreped (DRC) roll is designed for use in the goRag® automated dispenser whose technology delivers higher efficiency than cloth rags. The goRag® format replaces waste of bundles and bulk packs by dispensing "just what you need" to get the job done. The goRag automated system is powered by four long-lasting standard D-cell batteries providing for easy and low maintenance requirements and dispenses 5 different wiper options for specific wiping needs and is designed to mount strategically near workers. Durable, high-capacity cabinet includes a locking mechanism to eliminate pilferage, protects wipers against airborne contaminates and reduces time wasted handling rags.